Library Policies

The library board has established these policies to govern the library. These policies serve as a blue print for effective library operation, underscore the library's service philosophy and ensure that customers receive consistent service.  The policies are reviewed regularly to help guarantee that they remain timely.

I.          Mission of the Stanhope Public Library:

It is the mission of the Stanhope Public Library to provide open and equal access to information, resources, and services in order to meet the informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs of the community.  The library seeks to encourage reading and the use of current technology and recorded materials to cultivate learning and enhance the individual’s quality of life. It is the library’s desire to contribute to a brighter future for our community by supporting our citizens in their search for intellectual, recreational and vocational information and enrichment. We will strive to nurture the children and youth of our community by giving them access to the exciting world of ideas and helping them develop their sense of curiosity.

II.        Services of the Library include:

  •  Selection of books and materials that best meet the needs of the community.

        Organization of these materials for easy access.

        Provision of guidance and assistance to patrons seeking information.

        Initiating and marketing of programs, exhibits, etc., to stimulate the use of the library by persons of all ages.

        Cooperation with other agencies and institutions serving the educational and recreational needs of the community.

        Cooperating with other libraries in an inter-library loan service.

        Periodic review of the services to all members of the community.

        Maintenance of a balance in services to all members of the community.

        Provision of services during hours that best meet the needs of the community.

III.       Collection Development Policy:

  •  The selection of books and materials shall be regarded as the function of the Library Director.
  •   An addition of a book to the library’s collection in no way represents an endorsement of any theory, idea or policy contained therein by the library.
  • The library asserts its right and duty to keep on its shelves a representative selection of books on all subjects of interest to its readers, including books on all sides of controversial issues that are not prohibited by law. Materials on any subject, if published by reputable and well-known publishers, are admitted to the library.
  • Judgment should be based on the total effect of the material and not on the presence of words, phrases or situations which in themselves might be objectionable.
  • Special requests or recommendations by patrons are always accepted for consideration. Acceptance of such a request or recommendation does not mean that the library is obliged to purchase an item.
  • Five controlling factors for selection and acquisition are:
  1. The community interest and availability of other material on the subject
  2. The library; its existing collections, budget and services
  3. The individual literary merit of each book/material
  4. Usage- based on the frequency of circulation
  5. Accuracy of material
  6. Our mission statement
  • Library materials shall:
  1.  Include books, periodicals, pamphlets, pictures, videos, audios, cake pans, puzzles, computer software, etc. which will help meet its objectives.
  2. Includes other publicly available resources of books and other materials to avoid unnecessary duplication.
  3. Includes those for self-improvement and study but not materials required primarily for formal courses of study offered by educational institutions.
  4. Be loaned under the library regulations and procedures for home use.
  5. Be weeded according to acceptable professional practices in order to ensure the validity and value of the collection.
  • The Library Director shall dispose of weeded material in an appropriate manner.
  • The Stanhope Public Library is committed to offering a wide variety of materials to appeal to many different patrons. Our goal is to respect the intellectual freedom of each patron. Censorship of books and/or materials urged or practiced by volunteer arbiters of morals or political opinion or by organizations which would establish a coercive of Americanism, must be challenged by libraries in maintenance of their responsibility to provide public information and enlightenment through the recorded word. The selection of materials, if questioned, shall be reviewed in the following manner
    • 1. A person with an objection will be urged to fill out a reconsideration form. If the complaint concerns a book the patron must read the entire book before filling out a reconsideration form. This reconsideration form, presented to him/her so that he/she may submit a formal statement in preparation for a conference, will be returned to the Library Director.
    • 2. The Library Board and the Library Director shall read the book/material and review it.
    • 3. A conference shall be held with the complainant, the Library Board, and the Library Director.
    • 4. The decision concerning further use of the book/material will be made by the Library Board and the Library Director by motion and vote.

      This method should serve to reassure citizens that thoughtful consideration is given to the selection of reading materials. It should also serve as a means of informing citizens that the Library Board will not be pressured by those who want only one point of view represented in the Public Library. Libraries should enlist the cooperation of allied groups in the fields of science, education, and of book publishing in resisting all abridgment of the free access to ideas and full freedom of expression that are the tradition and heritage of all Americans.

IV.       Library Card Policy:

Adults (age 18 and above) may obtain a Stanhope Library card by providing acceptable identification and by signing the registration form.

    Teens (ages 14-17) may obtain a Stanhope Library card by providing acceptable identification and by signing the registration form.

    Children (age 12 and under) may obtain a Stanhope Library card when they can sign their full name on the registration form. A parent or guardian must be present at the time the card is issued, provide identification and sign the registration form.

    Adults are financially responsible for all materials borrowed on their own library cards. Parents or guardians are responsible for materials borrowed on their teens and children’s library cards.

    Children visiting from out of town may obtain a library card with the signature of the adult with whom the child is staying.

    Changes in name, address or telephone number should be reported immediately.

    Library cards are registered for three years, after which they expire. Patron shall provide valid identification showing a current street address for card renewal.

    All registered readers are allowed public computer access.

V.        Confidentiality Policy:


    Confidentiality is essential to protect the exercise of First and Fourth Amendment rights. In accordance with First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, the Iowa Code and professional ethics, the Board of Trustees of the Stanhope Public Library respects the privacy of users and recognizes its responsibility to protect their privacy.

        Library personnel should be aware that all library registration, circulation and reference records must remain confidential and are protected by the library policy and under state law (Code of Iowa Section 22.7).  Due to state confidentiality laws the library CANNOT release any information about items checked out to any person except that reader. This means that if a minor has a library card in his/her own name, the library CANNOT tell the parents/guardians or anyone else what the minor has checked out on his/her card.

        Confidentiality extends to information sought or received and materials consulted, borrowed or acquired. Confidentiality includes database search records, reference interviews, interlibrary loan records, computer use records, and all other personally identifiable uses of library materials, facilities or services.

        The library will hold confidential the names of card holders and their registration information and not provide access for private, public or commercial use.

        The lawful custodian of the records is the Director of the Library.

        The library will not release registration, circulation or other records protected under the Iowa Code unless it is required by law to release the information. Circumstances which may require the library to release the information include the following:

    o A criminal or juvenile justice agency is seeking the information in pursuant to an investigation of a particular person or organization suspected of committing a known crime AND the criminal or juvenile justice agency presents the Library Director with a court order demonstrating that there has been a judicial determination that a rational connection exists between the requested release of information and a legitimate end and that the need for the information is cogent

    and compelling.

    o The library receives a Warrant for the information issued under the USA Patriot Act (which includes amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act).

    o The library receives a National Security Letter seeking the information pursuant to the USA Patriot Act.

    o The library receives a valid court order requiring the library to release registration, circulation or other records protected under the Iowa Code and the information is not sought in conjunction with a criminal or juvenile justice investigation.

              If you have a minor and you want access to information about what they have checked out, we suggest that you get a card in your family name and give us permission to check out materials to your child on your card. If your child currently has a card and you would like us to revoke that card and have them use your family card, please let us know

VI.       Circulation Policy: 

  • All books and periodicals may be checked out for a period of one month.

        Other items such as audio books, DVDs, cake pans, puzzles, etc., may be checked out for two weeks.

        Patrons must return library materials in a timely manner in order to allow others access to these materials. All overdue materials will be given a grace period of one month. One week following the end of the grace period the library will make a courtesy call or send a letter regarding the return of the material. The outside book drop can be used to return materials when the library is closed.

        Patrons are responsible for the replacement costs of lost or damaged library materials.

        The Library Director will determine the amount of damage to be assessed in the case of lost or damaged materials. Payments are considered final. No refunds will be given if the item is later found.

        The Code of Iowa Section 714.5 - Library materials and equipment -- unpurchased merchandise -- evidence of intention, states, in part: “The fact that a person fails to return library materials for two months or more after the date the person agreed to return the library materials, or fails to return library

    equipment for one month or more after the date the person agreed to return the library equipment, is evidence of intent to deprive the owner. . .”  The library shall comply with the provisions and procedures outlined in the Iowa Code

    and its supplements in assuring that materials borrowed from the Stanhope Public Library are returned to it. The Stanhope Public Library will pursue all legal avenues to retrieve library materials and property that are overdue, lost, stolen, or damaged.

VII.     Gift Policy: 

The Stanhope Public Library welcomes gifts of library materials, money, or real property. These gifts help enrich and improve public library resources. Within the provisions of the state laws, the Board of Trustees adopts the following policies:

  • All gifts of articles, books, rare items, etc., donated to the Library shall become the property of the Library and shall be used, displayed, or disposed of as the Board deems fitting and proper.
  • Used books and paperbacks can often be used in the library’s collection. Items not needed by the library are sold at the book sale. Generally, the library does not accept textbooks or books in poor physical condition.
  • The Library may or may not accept donations of specialized collections. A decision will be made on an individual basis by the Library Board of Trustees, based on the recommendation of the Library Director.
  • All gifts are tax deductible and the library will furnish (upon request) a statement for tax purposes but does not place a financial value on items.
  • No gifts are accepted unless given to the library without restriction. All gifts may be utilized, sold or disposed of in the best interest of the library. All donations are accepted only if the Library Director feels they can be utilized by the library.
  • Books and other materials will be accepted on the condition that the Library Director has the authority to make whatever disposition he or she deems advisable.
  • Gifts of money, real property, and/or stock will be accepted if conditions attached are acceptable to the Library Board and to the City Council.
  • Personal property, art objects, portraits, antiques, and other museum objects will not be accepted unless approved by the Library Director and the Library Board.
  • The Library will not accept deposit materials which are not outright gifts.

VIII.    Behavior Policy

It is the policy of the Stanhope Public Library to provide a safe, comfortable environment that is conducive to the use of library facilities, resources, and equipment either by individuals or small groups. The library is designed for the use of all members of the public. Patrons are expected to observe the rights of other patrons and staff members and to use the library for its intended purposes. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Loud, disruptive conversations, including shouting.
  • Use of profane and/or abusive language.
  • Harassment of others, either verbally or by physical actions. This includes any actions that other patrons or staff members perceive to be harassing.
  • Threatening others either verbally or by physical actions. This includes any actions that other patrons or staff members perceive to be threatening.
  • Use of alcohol and narcotics is not permitted. Patrons under the influence of either alcohol or narcotics will not be allowed on the Library premises.
  • Throwing, running and climbing in the library.
  • Indiscriminate pulling of materials from shelves in a manner that disrupts the orderly and proper arrangement of library materials.
  • Radios and other sound producing devices may not be used in the library unless they are used with headphones. For all headphone use, the sounds must be inaudible to close bystanders.
  • Patrons bringing cell phones or paging devices into the library must set them to the silent or vibrating mode. Patrons talking on cell phones should use the entry area.
  • Solicitation, vending and distribution of petitions or surveys are not permitted in the library or on the library grounds without the prior consent of the Library Director or his/her designee.
  • Service animals are welcome, but all other animals are prohibited.
  • Library staff cannot assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised minors, under the age of eighteen. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children.
  • Children seven (7) years of age and younger must be accompanied by and at all times be under the supervision of a parent or other responsible caregiver who is at least sixteen (16) years of age. The library staff and this policy recognize that the children's area of the library may be louder and have more commotion than the adult areas of the library. However, if a child is disruptive and cannot be quieted or calmed, the parent or caregiver must remove the child from the library.
  • Toys must remain in the children's area.
  • All patrons must leave the premises at closing time, unless they are participating in a prescheduled program or meeting.
  • Anyone involved in the theft, defacement or mutilation of library materials or property will be subject to arrest and prosecution and will be responsible for the costs of repair or replacement, as determined by the library staff.
  • Food and drink spillage can damage valuable resources. Since care needs to be exercised, we ask that you refrain from having food and drink around any computer or electronic equipment. The patron is responsible for any damage done by his/her food and drink.
  • Violations of the Policy will result in increasing levels of action, ranging from asking the patron to leave the library for the remainder of the day to the patron's permanent loss of all library privileges to legal prosecution. The level of action shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and shall be within the sole discretion of the Library Director or his or her designee.
  • A patron may appeal a decision of the Director to the Board of Trustees who will review the circumstances of the case and confirm, cancel or change the director’s decision. The board may suspend a patron’s library privileges indefinitely.

IX. Internet/Computer Policies:                                                           

The Stanhope Public Library (SPL) endeavors to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of the community. It is within this context that the library offers public access to the internet.

The following guidelines describe the terms of access to the internet through computers provided on premises at SPL or through its wireless connections and constitute official institutional policy on this matter.

SPL makes internet resources accessible to all patrons. The staff of SPL helps patrons navigate, identify, and access resources on the internet. The staff reviews and recommends good sources of information on the internet and develops or subscribes to special tools in order to assist customers in using the internet. As needed, SPL staff members also conduct classes for adults and children to instruct them in the effective and safe use of the internet. The library’s goal is to make the public computers at all SPL locations available to as many patrons as possible. To accomplish this, SPL controls the amount of time any patron can use the public computers on a given day and users of the library’s wireless network are required to abide by the terms of use.

The library does not serve as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) but serves as an Internet access point. The library cannot guarantee a connection to the Internet and/or specific site.  Please be aware that we are unable to guarantee the privacy, confidentiality or safety of personal bank accounts, id numbers/passwords, financial accounts, etc. while using our public computers. Patrons should use caution when using public Internet computers.

SPL does not monitor and has no control over the information available through the internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population and library patrons use it at their own discretion and risk. Individual patron access to the internet through SPL computers or wireless connections is unsupervised and unmonitored by SPL staff.

All internet resources accessible through library channels are provided equally to all adult (age 18 and older) library users. Internet access for patrons under 14 must be authorized in writing by a parent or guardian; this corresponds to library policy for patrons under 14 obtaining a library card.

Internet resources offer links to many valuable local, national, and international sources of information. However, not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. A good information consumer evaluates the validity of all information found.

Parents and guardians – neither the library nor its staff – are responsible for the internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Only parents and guardians may restrict their children – and only their children – from access to internet resources accessible through library channels. Parents are advised to supervise their children’s internet sessions.

As a participant in ARPA grant, CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) procedures are required as part of the SPL Internet Policy. SPL complies with federal law and Neighborhood Internet Protection Act mandating the use of filtering software in public libraries. Internet filters are software programs that block access to content that is considered inappropriate for viewing in a public place. It employs filtering software to protect against the visual depiction of pornography, obscenity, and child pornography. Per the previously stated statutes, other types of content subject to filtering include:

·         Matter on the internet that is inappropriate for minors.

·         Unsafe or unsecure direct communication forums including email and chat rooms.

·         Unauthorized websites or applications used for “hacking” and other unlawful activities.

·         Unauthorized attempts to disclose, use, and disseminate personal information about minors or any other protected group.

·         Any web-based software programs that may be harmful to the SPL network or computer equipment.

SPL will employ filtering measures on any publicly accessible computer that may display or disseminate harmful content to minors.

No filtering software is totally accurate. Filters may falsely block material that is appropriate in a public library setting, or they may fail to block access to illegal or objectionable material. Patrons may submit a Request for Reconsideration of a Website to block or unblock a specific site. SPL will respond to questions and concerns regarding the filter’s accuracy by communicating with the filtering software vendor towards improving its product.

SPL follows state and federal law regarding privacy of library users’ records and information. It is the library’s usual practice to erase all customer use records, except those essential for library business operations. The library will release records, including those relating to internet usage, only as required by law. When a computer session is ended, all information about that session is ordinarily deleted. The library does not, as part of its regular practice, retrieve any information, including websites visited, passwords, credit card numbers, or any other information a patron has entered. At the end of the business day, all computer use and reservation records are normally erased.

To ensure a positive library experience for everyone, the SPL requires that all patrons shall:

·         Use computers only for lawful purposes.

·         Refrain from viewing pornographic visual materials or content that by contemporary community standards would be considered obscene.

·         Observe the established computer time limits.

·         Respect the security of the network.

·         Respect the configuration of computer equipment at the library. Downloading or installing nonstandard software programs is prohibited.

·         Keep virus protection software up-to-date on personal devices or other mobile devices using the library’s wireless internet connection.

SPL believes that the reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents who guide and oversee their own children’s development. SPL does not intrude on that relationship, except when mandated by law. Parents are encouraged to read and follow these tips for “Internet-wise” parents:

·         Take time to learn about the internet.

·         Take individual or group internet classes, which are always available to families.

·         Explore cyberspace with your children.

·         Provide clear guidelines – let your children know if there are subjects that are off limits.

·         Learn how to evaluate the internet – read books and magazines and take a class offered by the library.

·         Teach your children safety rules for dealing with strangers online and appropriate ways to deal with online businesses.

·         Ask a librarian – librarians have always bee expert at selecting materials for children.

The Stanhope Public Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems or any consequences thereof.  The library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the library’s connection to the Internet.


As with other library tools, staff may help patrons access the Internet and offer suggestions on starting a search. Because of time restrictions, the library staff does not provide in-depth, on-the- spot training concerning the Internet, computer technical language, or personal computer use. Patrons are expected to be knowledgeable in basic computer operations.


Computers may be used for a half-hour time period. If, at the end of that time, no one is scheduled to use the computer, the current user may schedule additional time.

No more than 2 people will be permitted at a workstation at a time.

Users shall obey all local, state, and federal laws.

Users shall treat library staff, library computers and Internet access in a responsible manner to help preserve the availability of such services.

Users shall obey the library’s policies and procedures.

The library staff reserves the right to terminate a person’s use of the computer for any reason.

Children 7 years old and younger must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older to use the computer.


Food and drink are not allowed in the computer area.

Email is available to patrons through any online account, such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Juno, etc. Use of the library’s email account is prohibited.

In accordance with U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) users may not copy or distribute electronic material without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Responsibility for consequences of copyright infringement lies with the user.

The use of the Internet in the library must be for legal and ethical purposes.  Examples of unacceptable purposes include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Violation of another user’s right to privacy;

    Use of sounds that are disturbing to others;

    Receiving or displaying text or graphics that may reasonably be construed as indecent or obscene and that might be harmful to minors. Users are advised to refrain from accessing sites that are prohibited by law to minors and which minors in the library may inadvertently view.  Since the Internet access computers are located in public areas which must be shared by library users of all ages, background and sensibilities, the library staff reserves the right to ask individuals to discontinue the display of information and images which violate this computer use policy.

o Iowa Code, Chapter 728.2, “Dissemination and exhibition of obscene materials to minors” states: “Any person, other than the parent or guardian of the minor who knowingly disseminates or exhibits obscene materials to a minor, including the exhibition of obscene material so that it can be observed by a minor on or off the premises where it is displayed, is guilty of a public offense and shall upon conviction be guilty of a serious misdemeanor.”

The first violation of these restrictions will result in one verbal warning. A second violation will result in the user being prohibited from Internet use in the library.

Collection of Information on Use of Library Computers (PCs)

Information is collected on usage of public computers in the Stanhope Public Library. These records are accessible to law enforcement agencies with a valid court order.

Computer systems

Breach of the system’s security is defined as tampering with the password, icons, introduction of viruses, hacking, etc. Such activities will result in the loss of computer and Internet privileges at the library and may result in legal action.

Changes must not be made to the setup or configuration of the software, hardware or printers. Users are not permitted to unplug network connections, install, delete or modify library hardware or software.

Saving or downloading files to the network is prohibited.


Violations of the Internet Policy will result in permanent loss of computer privileges and may lead to financial responsibility.  Illegal acts involving library computers may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.

By using the Stanhope Public Library’s computers, you have agreed to this policy.

Stanhope Public Library WIFI

 Public wireless is available during business hours at 600 Main Street. The library’s wireless network is not secure. Information sent from or to your device can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software.

Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection. The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s network. The device owner is responsible for setting up their equipment to access the SPL wireless network. Library staff is not permitted to handle your device or peripheral equipment. Library staff is not allowed to configure patrons’ devices, nor can they provide more than general assistance in getting connected to the wireless network.


X.        Meeting Rooms:

    There shall be no use of library space by outside individuals or groups unless it is a library related event or if library staff is present. An exception to this rule may be acquired by special permission from the Library Director and Library Board.

Please note: The City of Stanhope provides community meeting space for various functions. Stanhope Community Building provides space primarily for social, recreational, and youth functions.

XI.      Sex Offender Policy:

 The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Library is in compliance with Iowa Code Chapter692A that excludes registered sex offenders convicted of offenses against minors from public libraries. Sex offenders convicted of a sex offense against a minor shall not be present upon the real property of a public library and they shall not loiter within three hundred feet of the real property boundary of a public library.

The Code provides an exception to this prohibition if the Library Director provides written permission.

The Library Director may only give written permission as the result of a vote at a meeting the Board of Trustees at which a quorum is present.

Registered sex offenders convicted of sex offenses against minors may be eligible for some library services. They may receive information via telephone or online. They may register for a card directly with the Director, or her designee, via telephone or online, and make arrangements for a person of their choosing to select, check out, and return materials using that card. They may use that card to access the Library’s online materials or databases.

Violations of this policy will be immediately reported to law enforcement, and violators will lose all library privileges. Violators will be subject to prosecution for violation of the Iowa Code.

XII. Personnel Policy

The Stanhope Public Library is an equal opportunity employer. Discrimination against any person in recruitment, examination, appointment, training, promotion, retention, discipline, or any other aspect of personnel administration due to politics, religion, race, national origin, sexual orientation, or other non-merit -based factors shall be prohibited.

I.                    Director

A.      The director shall be selected by the Board of Trustees. The board will forward its selection to the City Council of Stanhope for approval and appointment.

B.      The director shall be responsible for recruitment, selection, training and evaluating all other employees. Selected employees will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for their approval.

C.      Communication with the Board of Trustees is vital to the success of the library. The director will report on significant events, budgetary decisions and important library statistics to the board in writing at their monthly meeting.

D.      The director is expected to complete the public library endorsement program within two years of the date of employment, and maintain the endorsement certification through continuing education hours. They will also direct other employees in completing endorsement modules from the state training as deemed necessary.

E.       The director will lead the library in ensuring that accreditation is maintained through regularly scheduled reviews of policies, trustee trainings, meetings with the board and other libraries. They will be familiar with the State Library manual ‘In Service to Libraries: Public Library Standards’, and follow through with the required standards to ensure Stanhope Library’s compliance with them. They will ensure that required reports are submitted to the appropriate authorities in a timely manner.

F.       The director will maintain an accurate accounting of the expenditures of the library, and report such to the board. Any expenditures exceeding $250 must be approved by the board.

G.      The director is responsible for planning and executing programs of diverse interests for patrons of all ages and abilities.

H.      The director is responsible to ensure that the board members receive agendas for upcoming meetings and minutes of past meetings in a timely manner, and that the agenda is posted in accordance with open meeting statutes.

I.        The director is responsible for the selection and maintenance of library materials in a variety of formats, and for the weeding and disposal of outdated, damaged and unused materials. They are also responsible for ensuring the return of materials borrowed by patrons.

J.        The director is responsible for providing prompt, impartial, courteous and friendly library services to patrons and community organizations.

K.      The director will make policy recommendations to the board for their consideration.

L.       The director will make budgetary requests to the library board, providing the requests in a timely manner so that the board can discuss and present their recommendations to the city council in time for the budget cycle.

M.    The director will carry out policies of the library as adopted by the library board of trustees.

N.     The director is responsible for maintaining public relations, informing the public of events and other library news through various means, such as newspapers, newsletters and social media.

O.     The director should affiliate with state and county professional organizations and attend professional meetings, workshops and continuing education courses. This may be done at library expense with the approval of the board.

P.      The director is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the building and its facilities, including cleaning and equipment maintenance.

Q.     The director should be familiar with the technology in the library and how to use and update it as needed. They should also keep abreast of new technologies and examine ways for the library to stay up to date in obtaining and providing them for patron use.

R.      The director will maintain up to date information on employee training, and library matters of public record, and make them available for use.

II.                  Employees

A.      Employees report to the Director of the Library.

B.      Employees of the library will be familiar with the policies of the library and carry them out as appropriate.

C.      Employees will provide prompt, impartial, courteous and friendly service to all patrons.

D.      Employees will attempt to assist with the requests of the patrons, and if they are unable to complete the request, will forward pertinent information to the director for their assistance.

E.       Employees will follow the prescribed dress code for the library.

F.       Employees are representatives of the library and of the city, and should conduct themselves in a manner that reflects well on the library and the city.

G.      Employees are expected to perform the duties assigned to them, and should avoid excessive socializing or use of personal electronic devices while on duty.

III.                Dress Code

A.      It is the policy of the Stanhope Library to ensure that all employees maintain and present themselves in such a manner that their hygiene and general personal appearance conform to standards.

Professional appearance results in professional performance that will reflect a positive image to the public. Employees are expected to be neat and clean, and to use good judgement, good taste, and common sense, regarding appropriateness of attire. Attire shall not interfere with job performance or job safety.

B.      The underlying standard for this dress code is “business casual”. Acceptable attire includes, but is not limited to:

·         Dress shirt with/without necktie

·         Dress slacks

·         Khakis or Dockers style slacks

·         Jeans that are not torn, frayed or stained

·         Business dresses, skirts or shorts of an appropriate length

·         Pantsuits

·         Sweaters

·         Polo or golf shirts

·         Plain tee shirts – not stretched out or faded

·         Stanhope Library logo apparel

·         Dress shoes, loafers, flats, dress boots, or dress sandals

C.      Unacceptable attire includes, but is not limited to:

·         Excessively short skirts, see-through or low-cut tops

·         Sweatpants, sweatshirts, or jogging suits

·         Faded, torn, or ragged jeans

·         Cropped tops, tube tops showing bare midriff

·         Caps, hats, sweat bands, bandannas, unless they are being worn for library programs, medical or religious reasons

·         Shirts with logos, images, text, etc. on the front or back, except those designed to promote current library programs or library apparel

·         Beach shoes, worn tennis shoes, flip-flops

·         Torn, worn or frayed clothing

D.      Employees who are scheduled to work on days the library is closed to the public may wear comfortable clothes (jeans, tee shirts, sweats and athletic shoes), as long as their appearance remains neat. Shirts with logos, images or text remain unacceptable, as do frayed, ripped or torn clothes.

E.       The library director may authorize exceptions to this dress code when special projects warrant more relaxed attire (e.g. reorganizing collections, setting up book sales, movie night, etc.), or for holidays and library programs.

IV.                Benefits

A.      Salaries should be high enough to attract and retain competent library staff members. Wages will be reviewed annually by the library board. Employees will be paid not less than minimum wage, and will be paid for hours worked.  They may not volunteer their time without pay. Meritorious salary increases will be addressed on an annual basis upon successful employee evaluation.

B.      IPERS is offered with a minimum of 80 hours worked per month.

C.      Holidays: holiday pay will be offered at the same number of hours that would be worked if the library were open. Employees may not elect financial compensation in lieu of taking the holiday. The following days are considered holidays by the City of Stanhope:

·         New Year’s Day

·         Presidents Day

·         Memorial Day

·         July 4th

·         Labor Day

·         Veteran’s Day

·         Thanksgiving

·         The day after Thanksgiving

·         Christmas Day

D.      Personal Days after 90 days of employment, the director will be allowed one personal day per calendar year to conduct personal business at a rate equivalent to the number of hours that would have been worked on that day.

E.       Vacation after 1 year of employment director will receive 1 week (25 hours) of paid vacation. From 2-9 years of employment, 2 weeks of vacation per year. 10-15 years of employment, 3 weeks of vacation per year. 16 years and longer, 4 weeks of vacation per year. Vacation will be paid at the rate as if the employee were working during that time, and may not be carried over. Financial compensation is not provided in lieu of vacation, and no compensation is provided for unused time. Vacation may be taken any time during the year. Any vacation days will require the Board of Trustees to be notified via email or text, and coverage for the library be noted. Special circumstances will be addressed, when necessary, by a text to the board president.

F.       Sick days: Director will receive 2.5 hours of sick leave per month of continuous service, which can be taken after 90 days of employment. Sick leave can be carried over up to 225 hours maximum. Sick leave may be used for the illness of the employee or any dependent. There will be no compensation for unused sick leave.

G.      Death/Bereavement: employees are allowed three days absence with pay for a death in the immediate family, which will be taken as vacation time.

V.                  Sexual harassment: The library should be a safe place for all members of the community. All employees are responsible for assuring that the library is free form sexual or other form of harassment. Employees must avoid any action or conduct which could be viewed as harassment. This includes any form of discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation. It can consist of unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors or other physical and verbal conduct of a harassing nature. Any employee who has a complaint of sexual harassment by anyone, including the director, co-workers or visitors to the library toward them, should immediately bring the problem to the attention of the director or the library board.

VI.                Training: Employees are encouraged to take continuing education and other training as needed, and will be allowed to do so on library time and at library expense, pending approval by the Library Board. The library will compensate the employee for time, travel, and registration for meetings, conferences, workshops and continuing education courses.

VII.              Evaluation and review: all employees will receive a written evaluation each year. It is expected that any problems will be addressed as they occur, with written documentation in the employee file, along with suggested remedies, and that the results will also be reflected in the annual evaluation.

VIII.            Resignation and dismissal

A.      Employees are protected against unfair dismissal without sufficient cause. No such action may be taken without proper hearing. The employee will be notified in writing by the library director or the library board of the charges against them, and will be given the opportunity to be heard by the library board within 10 days.

B.      An employee should provide up to 30 days advance written notice of their intent to leave the position. Any unused sick leave or vacation will be forfeited at the date of termination.